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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane


2021/2022 School Year

13th Oct 2021
👏 In St Theresa’s we cater for every child. Each one is as important...
12th Oct 2021
Primary 6 and 7 are enjoying learning about the Titanic as their class topic. ...
8th Oct 2021
Check out our new Outdoor Play Space as Mrs McCool’s class get outside and...
8th Oct 2021
P4 enjoyed a scrumptious Literacy lesson today with Mr Brogan. P4 focus in writing...
5th Oct 2021
Today 5th October is National Teachers Day 2021 and the Primary 5/6 class wanted...
3rd Oct 2021
Get ready to give these little 🌟 a round of applause 👏 We love...
1st Oct 2021
Foyle Hospice is close to many of our family’s hearts and we thank you for...