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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane


2021/2022 School Year

6th Jun 2022
Such fun with the Nerve Centre Team when they visited today. Check out the IT skills...
1st Jun 2022
It’s like a reenactment of: ‘’The Little House on the Prairie’’...
26th May 2022
*Sneak Peak* 🎵 Rehearsals are just beginning but we wait in anticipation...
26th May 2022
Check out what fun P1 & 2 had with Miss Una and Mrs McCool. This is our Musical...
26th May 2022
A beautiful picture of Primary 4 receiving their Holy Communion crosses as a gift...
25th May 2022
Fair play to our boys and girls today at Melvin Sports in the tournament hosted...
24th May 2022
Don’t worry about a thing when you have musical Tuesdays with Miss Crabtree
24th May 2022
Musical Tuesdays in St Theresa’s… Have a listen to P4 warming up their...
20th May 2022
Today we said farewell to Jennifer, our classroom assistant in Primary 3. We wish...
20th May 2022
🍃 Today with Mrs Perry Urney Creations Yr 4 had fun being creative using...