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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane


2023/2024 School Year

9th Nov 2023
On Thursday P6 welcomed Aiobheann and she showed us how to cope with stress and...
7th Nov 2023
Year 4 created amazing houses inspired by Swiss Artist Paul Klee for their Term...
6th Nov 2023
Big Shout Out Moment for Kelsey receiving the Coach’s Award. Keep it going...
6th Nov 2023
Well done Sophia. Big smiles and champing at the bit to get back to next year’s...
27th Oct 2023
What a brilliant Halloween Extravaganza we had today, courtesy of St Theresa’s...
29th Sep 2023
2-3 Wrap Around Club…the best craic! Thanks to Orla and Hannah this week...
28th Sep 2023
Delighted to have a couple of Hurricanes at St Theresa’s Primary School Glebe...
27th Sep 2023
Triple big shout out moment to Zach, Luke and Reiss’ team who won the winter...
26th Sep 2023
European Day of Languages 2023 They may be only 4-6 years old but check out how...
26th Sep 2023
Today Mr Coyle’s class joined a Live youtube lesson, hosted by the Nerve Centre...