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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane


2020/2021 School Year

17th Apr 2021
Easter PTA Fundraiser Non-Uniform Day Raffle Colouring In Competition ...
17th Apr 2021
Easter PTA Fundraiser Non-Uniform Day Raffle Colouring In Competition ...
17th Apr 2021
Easter PTA Fundraiser Non-Uniform Day Raffle Colouring In Competition ...
17th Apr 2021
Easter PTA Fundraiser Non-Uniform Day Raffle Colouring In Competition ...
17th Apr 2021
Easter PTA Fundraiser Non-Uniform Day Raffle Colouring In Competition ...
7th Apr 2021
We at St Theresa’s thank our parents, pupils, staff, outside tutors, support...
31st Mar 2021
All the boys and girls in Mrs Mc Cool’s class are looking forward to celebrating...
19th Mar 2021
Look at these magnificent self portraits by Primary 7. Fantastic use of pastels...
17th Mar 2021
Thank you to Edel from Relaxed Kids for all the wonderful sessions and strategies...
15th Mar 2021
All the boys and girls in Year 1/2 enjoyed making beautiful cards and gifts for...