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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane

Ceol Agus Craic Concerts

15th Mar 2023

The Irish charm was clear to be seen in the Glebe today.

The boys and girls were just amazing and did St Theresa’s proud, their families proud and of course themselves proud. 

A special mention to all the staff for everything they did to make these concerts happen and also Antaine for promoting our Irish language as Irish tutor in St Theresa’s. We were particularly pleased to see Primary 6/7 incorporating Makaton into their performance, showcasing the good work that Marian is doing across the school, with the support of our Student Council Makaton Ambassador John. 

Of course a show stopper is nothing without the musicians and special thanks to Noel, Rois Kelly Music and our leading lady Jamie Donnelly Music.

But the icing on the cake was having the children’s families singing along, as well as an unexpected guest- Justin from The Logues. What an honour that Justin came to St Theresa’s to watch our St Patrick’s concert!

maith sibh gach duine