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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane

European Day of Languages

26th Sep 2023

European Day of Languages 2023

They may be only 4-6 years old but check out how fluent Mrs McCool’s class are as fluent French speakers.

Today they were in for a treat when they met Madame Coyle and Year 8 students virtually from Lumen Christi College, Derry for a French lesson.

Primary 1 & 2 learnt basic words like Hello and Goodbye and counted in French to the number 5.

They even entertained Year 8 with a little French song and loved singing it so much that they also sang it to other classes in St Theresa’s.

Thank you to Mrs McCool and Madame Coyle for organising this experience for Primary 1 and 2 and also to Year 8 for being so helpful and inspirational.

Alice and Ellen got in on the act by waving French flags and Mr Coyle escaped from his room to come and watch as he took a wee shine to Madame Coyle.