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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane

Farewell to both Carolines

22nd Sep 2022

Another two good ladies that have called their time at St Theresa’s Primary School Glebe

Today we said farewell to our two cooks, both Carolines, who have over 43 years of service between them in St Theresa’s PS.

For many years Caroline Reid, our head cook, had a special team with Caroline McColgan and Connie McNally and their dinners were always beautiful, throughly enjoyed by all staff, pupils and visitors.

It’s the end of an era in St Theresa’s with this team of cooks and the Board of Governors, staff, parents, pupils and whole school community would like to wish both Carolines every happiness and success in their next adventures.

Thank you for everything ladies.

From all at St Theresa’s.