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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane

Final Thoughts Before Whole School Return

31st Aug 2020

Primary 7 returned to St Theresa’s last week and understood the importance of staying within their class bubble. It was also lovely for some of our pupils to spend time with their classroom assistant and to meet our new Primary 1 pupils and parents in their induction, with Mrs McCool able to give each family a tour and answer any questions.

This week all year groups are returning with Bubble A returning on the 1st, Bubble B on the 2nd and everyone on the 3rd September. Parents we continue to ask for your patience, as we implement our new procedures so that everyone feels safe in St Theresa’s. Small steps is very important and as the days pass we may make tiny alterations. 

Times for arrival and departure are on our website and whilst these are not ideal it is to adhere to social distancing at the gates and to stay within their family or class bubble. We will continually review these times and may be subject to change in the future.

Sometimes our children may see staff wearing masks, visors or other PPE. This might seem different at the start but in no time they will realise it’s just normal practice. Some of the face coverings are quite funky and a huge thanks to Linda McGeehan and Strabane Area Scrubs for donating these and the visors to the school. Muchly appreciated. We ask our parents to also wear a mask when calling at the school and after an appointment has been made first via a telephone call to the office.

Finally, take the time to read our plan again and times for arrival/leaving on our website before Tuesday. If your child or any other family member displays symptoms of the coronavirus, please do not send them to school. Contact the school and we will advise you what to do next.

If at any time you have any other queries, please phone the school and we will endeavour to answer any questions.

Finally I wish everyone good wishes for the year ahead and we pray to St Theresa for her guidance during the year ahead!


In this together!

Kind Regards 

Gabriel Brogan