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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane

LIVE Class Assemblies - Acknowledging Every Pupil

12th Feb 2021

Today we had a blockbuster of class assemblies to mark the amazing work by each pupil in the last 6 weeks of remote learning. We never did weekly star of the week during lockdown as every family has been working hard and we didn’t want to leave anyone out. So today was about acknowledging every pupil in every class. Each class teacher prepared a PowerPoint to showcase on LIVE TEAMS, with samples of wonderful work for each pupil. We have chosen one slide from each class for our website post today.

Finally a huge thanks to the McElwee family for supporting the school in this class assembly. Each pupil will receive a goody bag and each family a bar of chocolate to acknowledge the superb effort of our parents during these challenging times. We pay particular thanks to Mary McElwee who passed away a couple of years ago and left a donation in lieu of the school. We know Mary, granny of our pupils Lily-Mae and Tiernan, would be very proud of what the school and each family has achieved in remote learning during this pandemic. Well done everyone