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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane

Our Sensory Area

17th Oct 2022

Welcome to our sensory room…Come on in!  

What used to be a cloakroom and part of our mobile annex store, is now a relaxing, calming, inviting environment for children who need some time out from the busy life of the classroom.

All this could not happen without the planning of Miss Duffy, Mr McNulty and the teaching and non-teaching staff who continually give support.  Of course the room was transformed by Paul our caretaker, Christopher from Crazy Carpentry, the magic of lights was made happen by Stephen McGonagle and thank you to Joe Hagan for painting the room.

Let’s not forget our PTA who helped fund the project because at St Theresa’s we are always looking to support the well being of our children.  We were also able to add an extended area to our Sensory room with funding from Our Extended Schools Cluster Funding. 

Our children absolutely love this area and everyone in St Theresa's is very proud of this amazing resource.