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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane

P4 Art Autographs

20th May 2022

🍃 Today with Mrs Perry Urney Creations Yr 4 had fun being creative using outdoor resources. After collecting lots of different flora found throughout the school grounds, they set about their tasks.

🌳 First they simply autographed their pages ….and how amazing each one is.

🍃 Next they moved onto creating Leaf Monsters….some really cute critters were created!

🌳 To finish off we had a lovely experiment of printing with paint

🍃 And to end the day…..all of the resources collected were returned to ‘Mother Earth!’ So proud of you all.

Art is fun outdoors. So have a look at our wonderful work 😉👍👏👏👏👏