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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane

Paramedics: People Who Help Us

12th Dec 2022

One of the last visits Miss Duffy had planned as part of their People Who Help Us topic was with the fantastic Paramedic Service.
When Miss Duffy reached out to Paul about coming on a visit to the school he was overjoyed to be asked and accepted straight away.
Paul and Cathal were a brilliant team who had the children engaged throughout their visit to the school with their ambulance. The children got to use the lift, wear the helmet, check pulse rates of course use the siren. The children loved getting to asked questions and they were amazing at giving some very well informed and sensible answers.
To finish off their visit Paul and Cathal had some goodies for the children which was extremely generous.
Thanks so much to two very busy men for coming and helping our children in Primary 2 and 3 learn through real life experiences.