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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane

PDMU: Think lesson

30th Sep 2021

Our children in P2/3 are the best of the best and one of the things we take pride on is the children’s great behaviour.

However it does no harm to continue instilling these values into our children and Miss McHugh showed this today in her PDMU lesson.

Today in class they talked about the importance of being kind to each other and how our words can make other people feel. They used toothpaste to represent their words and a sheet of paper to represent someone's feelings. Once they emptied all the unkind words onto the paper, they couldn't put them back into the tube, even after you say sorry to the paper. This showed the boys and girls that once we say something unkind we can’t take it back.

A beautiful lesson by Miss Hugh, with her little troop of children in P2/3