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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane

People Who Helped Us

16th Nov 2022

People Who Help Us is a real fun theme to learn through and Miss Duffy’s class have really made that happen. It’s incredibly important for children to get to know who can help them when they have a problem. There are so many people who help us in our everyday lives and then some who help us when it’s an emergency.

Over the last two weeks Miss Duffy’s Primary 2s and 3s have been working together to plan for learning about People Who Help Us and have already been busy in the classroom and beyond to make their learning experiences more informed and real.

Their first visit was to a local building site in the Glebe and Christopher Mc Cauley from CMC Construction Ltd allowed the boys and girls to come and see him and work mates hard at work. Christopher talked to the boys and girls about plastering and they learnt that sometimes this can be called skimming. He made sure that everyone was kept safe all and then he let P2/3 see the digger and they even got to sit in it.

On Thursday and Friday of week the children hosted two hot seat sessions, one with Mr Mc Nulty, and the other with Father Canning. The children carefully planned the questions they wanted to ask the two men and we had some laughs during these sessions. Miss Duffy was really impressed with the intelligent questions that the children came up with.

Yesterday started with a story telling visit to Strabane Library. Angela Kerrigan at Strabane Library helped Miss Duffy to arrange this visit and she read the children 3 stories. Everyone really loved hearing about what the Library has to offer and the different clubs it runs.

With the help of a special daddy in our P2/3 classroom, a visit to Strabane Fire Station was able to happen. Paddy Kennedy hosted all the boys and girls for a fantastic tour of the Fire Station and all the boys and girls got to get into the fire engine and use the hose. This was an amazing real life experience for the children and each and every one of them were full of anticipation and excitement.

This is only a snippet of some of the visits planned. There is more to come over the next few weeks. Watch this space.