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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane

Principal’s Award: January

1st Feb 2024

Principal’s Award: Congratulations to Ros

This is the second time this award has been given out in St Theresa’s and today we are delighted to recognise massive improvements, effort and commitment to learning.

The staff and pupils are so proud of Ros in his class achieving this recognition for January and this is why!

  • Excellent work in Literacy
  • Determination and enthusiasm in Numeracy
  • 10/10 in Spellings
  • Commendable listening skills, attention and concentration in class
  • Putting a lot of effort into homework and reading
  • Being responsible and reliable and always being a good friend to all his classmates.

A deserving winner and a wonderful ambassador for our school. Who is next for the Principal’s Award? Mr Brogan’s eyes are wide open. Next choice will be sometime in February!