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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane

St Theresa’s Gaelic Blitz

2nd Feb 2023

Nothing beats being there and that was certainly the case at St Theresa’s Blitz today.

Today we welcomed budding GAA stars from St Eugene's PS, Victoria Bridge, St Columba's Primary School, Clady, Sion Mills Primary School to play in mixed teams alongside our pupils from St Theresa’s.  

Friendships were made and the skills on show were a testament of the pupils’ talents, parents bringing them to training, the teachers hard work in primary schools and the commitment of the coaches from the local clubs.  

A big thanks to Adrian Maxwell from Urney St. Columba's who represented Urney GAA and referred the games, Martin Holland from Motus Physiotherapy and Sports Rehab who sponsored the refreshments for the children and to our own staff for helping organise the tea and refreshments.  

We were delighted to have today the expertise of Miss Canning before she finishes her placement and of course a big shout out to Mr Coyle for making the magic happen.  

 We are proud to promote Gaelic Games in our school and thank you for all coming.