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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane

Big Shout Out Moments

This is one of our favourite pages on our school website. The 'Big Shout Out Moments.' This is where we get to see the achievements, interests and hobbies of our children outside school. Some brilliant examples for others to explore and find out more incase it also interests your child. For these 'Big Shout Out Moments,' don't forget to email Mr Brogan your pictures and give a brief overview of what your child is doing and has achieved. Then we can tell our whole school community. 


Níl a sárú le fáil ... “Simply The Best”

Latest Photographs

13th Nov 2023
Brilliant to see our little lady Éabha arriving into school with her trophy...
6th Nov 2023
Big Shout Out Moment for Kelsey receiving the Coach’s Award. Keep it going...
6th Nov 2023
Well done Sophia. Big smiles and champing at the bit to get back to next year’s...