Pupils' Clubs

Everybody loves Art, particularly with Gloria Perry. Gloria is our resident artist. Look at the amazing collage of work that our pupils create under the guidance of Gloria. Art is always on display around the school, so when you are in the building, make sure to appreciate the talents of our children.
Dia Duit! Every Wednesday children from Primary 1 to 7 learn Irish with Tony. Learning a language in Primary School also helps prepare our pupils for the teaching of languages in Post Primary Schools and they have the building blocks and confidence to speak another language. Try out some Irish on the Gaeilge section of the Tyrone GAA website. Click here
Musical Pathways
Our Musical Pathways to Learning (MPL) programme is a scheme which enables children to develop through music. This is done using progressive programmes and stimulating activities, including rhymes, songs and games.
‘I would teach children music, physics, and philosophy; but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts are the keys to learning. Music is a more potent instrument than any other for education, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul.’ Plato
Our pupils and staff just love to see Miss Una (Una Carlin) visit every Thursday. It is available for our Primary 1 – 3 pupils in St. Theresa’s.
Musical Tuition (Tin Whistle and Violin)
Primary 4 – 7 pupils get the opportunity to learn the tin whistle weekly with Noel Devine, with pupils also taking part in our newly formed Folk Group.
We also host our own Internal Feis in the Spring Term a chance for all pupils to showcase their talents on the tin whistle.
Pupils from Primary 5 – 7 have the opportunity to learn the Violin weekly with Maureen McGranaghan from the EA Music Service
GAA Coaching
Every Monday, every class gets expert coaching from our experienced tutor Sean O'kane. It is a wonderful way for children to reinforce the fundamentals of GAA. Sean makes games and activities exciting and fun and he has a wonderful rapport with all our pupils.
Our Key Stage 2 children love to see Fiachra McNulty coming from Tyrone GAA and very often we use the Glebe MUGA pitch for game teasers and matches. This gives us the confidence to take part in Blitzes hosted by Tyrone GAA. Fiachra's lessons makes it fun for all and our children then arrive back to class energised and ready to learn again!
Marty Gormley attends our school on a Wednesday afternoon from 2pm-4pm. From 2-3pm, he focuses on games with the children, with particular emphasis placed on team work, commitment and respect. From 3-4pm, we alternate in block sessions between Netball and Soccer and our school are always proud to take part in Marty's tournaments that he hosts throughout the year.
For 10 weeks, Primary 6 and 7 attend Riversdale Leisure Centre to participate in swimming lessons. This is a great way to build children's confidence with the water and the coaches are always very encouraging.
Children in our school last year were able to take part in Multi-skills with Gareth Porter and learn a variety of new skills and experience other sports that are new to the pupils.
Football, Fitness & Fun Club
Last year Mr Coyle and Mr Forbes (Student Teacher) were pleased to host an after schools club called ‘Football, Fitness and Fun’ every Thursday afternoon from 3pm to 4pm at the MUGA pitch for 6 weeks. This was open to all boys and girls in Primary 5 to 7. A huge thanks to Strabane Athletic for donating footballs for this club.
St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Garvan Park, Sion Mills, Strabane BT82 9NZ Telephone: (028) 81 65 8438