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St Theresa's Primary School, Glebe, Strabane

News - Homepage

2021/2022 School Year

16th Jun 2022
I’d say our P7 pupils are little sleepy tonight but will dream again about...
14th Jun 2022
St Theresa’s Sports Day 2022 What a day! Good weather, happy children...
9th Jun 2022
Our favourite time of the year when our wee friends from LittleFlower Playgroup...
9th Jun 2022
Fan the Flame is always a special day and it’s lovely to see our Primary 7...
6th Jun 2022
Such fun with the Nerve Centre Team when they visited today. Check out the IT skills...
26th May 2022
*Sneak Peak* 🎵 Rehearsals are just beginning but we wait in anticipation...
26th May 2022
Check out what fun P1 & 2 had with Miss Una and Mrs McCool. This is our Musical...
26th May 2022
A beautiful picture of Primary 4 receiving their Holy Communion crosses as a gift...
25th May 2022
Fair play to our boys and girls today at Melvin Sports in the tournament hosted...
24th May 2022
Don’t worry about a thing when you have musical Tuesdays with Miss Crabtree